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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Top 7 Rules for Ongoing Success

Success is yours right now. But, you know that in the past, you have lost success and had to struggle to regain it. To achieve ongoing success, individuals must continue to do what they have done well in the past. These 7 rules may help you to master success for yourself and your business.

  1. Beliefs: Success begins in our mind through our foundational thought processes which are our beliefs. Beliefs must be identified to understand their impact on our successes.
  2. Attitudes: Years ago, Zig Ziglar in one of his early books defined attitudes as habits of thought. Attitudes are the reflection of our beliefs. We must be vigilant in keeping positive attitudes.
  3. New Skills and Knowledge: With change happening at warp speed, individuals in the 21st century must always be improving their skills and knowledge. Becoming a self-directed learner is now the standard and no longer the exception.
  4. Plan: The rapid change we face in one year is more than our grandparents faced in their entire lifetimes. Plans help to ensure ongoing success. Unfortunately, most people place more value in the every day written grocer list than they do for their future. The lack of a written plan of action contributes to both personal and business failure.
  5. Goals: Goals are the continual steps toward success. With each achieved goal, a new step materializes allowing the individual to take another step closer to success.
  6. Committed Focus: Having a committed focus to success is the sixth rule. Commitment is all about making a choice and sticking with that choice. Here is the choice is focus.
  7. Mentors: No one can truly go it alone. Finding a mentor or a series of mentors can ensure ongoing success for each and every individual.

These 7 Rules of Success can help you master success both for yourself and your Business provided you are willing to do what you need to do to get to where you need to go.

Do you want to learn more about how to get to where you want to be? I have just completed a FREE 7 lesson on-line email course. Sign up here and now Building Your M.A.P. (My Action Plan) to Success.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. is a speaker and Indianapolis business coach & Chicago business coach who has written hundreds of articles with a focus on improving individual and organizational performance through excellence in leadership to executable strategic plans.

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